°1963, Novi Ligure (Italy)
Lives and works in Ovada, Italy

He goes about sniffing out old items of furniture and utensils in the flea markets and second-hand shops. He takes them and puts them away. “As the farmers say, that could come in handy one day,” he says. Or he works with them right away, transforming them into something else, creating new objects and presences. Every one of them brings its past with it; every one of them has a story to tell. “Every work I produce has a story behind it. Everything must have a story behind it, and everything is made of stuff that I find and recreate.” To which he gives enchanted, fairy-tale-like names with meanings like “Many good things”, “Reasons for happiness”, “Playful artwork”, “A mute scene for low clouds”, “Toys”, “Playing statues”, or “Echo of flowers”. But Mirco Marchelli is not a romantic young man absent-mindedly playing around with these toys, nor is he a prop master: he’s a rigorous artist, who began his career in music but is capable of a poetic openness, of what I would call a respect for time – musical and historical – and of a sense of the past that fertilises the present and (we hope) the future, “a projection back in time in order to move forward”, as he said on another occasion, describing his sense of time. Features and qualities that suggest the profile of an uncommon sort of artist. 

Faithful, in a certain sense, to the teachings of twentieth-century art, but adopted with a suave lightness, Marchelli works with ready-made objects, or objets trouvé. Not to declare them works of art tout court, with an authorial gesture, nor to give them new life on the basis of a logic we might describe as “circular art”, and not even because these objects offer the carefree freedom of having been left behind by chance, and by chance having attracted someone’s eye, the pietas of the act of the person who picked them up, but because these objects have a story of their own: they are something. Almost someone, if expressing it this way were not overdoing it. And it is here that bricolage, in the most resolved sense of the visionary experimentation characteristic of the twentieth century, finds its most complete expression, putting together different materials, ideas and images...

fragment text by Adriana Polveron

represented in Italy by
MARCOROSSI artecontemporanea, Milan, Pietrasanta, Rome, Turin, Verona




Un’eco di fiori, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Rome, Italy

Buoni Offici, Galleria Cardelli e Fontana, Sarzana, Italy

Voci in capitolo, Fondazione Biscozzi Rimbaud, Lecce, Italy

Motivi di gioia, Alzueta Gallery, Madrid, Spain



Tante belle cose, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Pietrasanta, Turin and Verona, Italy

Ariette semplici, Galerie Tourette, Paris, France



Riguardo ad un frastuono rimbombante, Museo dei Lumi, Sinagoga di Casale Monferrato, Italy

Opera giocosa, Alzueta Gallery, Madrid, Spain



Nuove consonanze, Galleria Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana, La Spezia, Italy



A capo. Ceramiche Albisola,  Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Pietrasanta and Verona,  Italy



Giocattoli, Galleria Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana, La Spezia, Italy



A due voci, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Italy

A due voci, La Cappuccina, Borgomanero, Italy

Canzoni in levare, Museo Ettore Guatelli, Ozzano Taro, Collecchio, Italy



Mirco Marchelli, Alzueta Gallery, Palau de Casavells, Girona, Spain



A due voci, Eventinove artecontemporanea, Turin, Italy

A due voci, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Verona, Italy

Via Crucis, Fondazione Lercaro, Bologna, Italy



Scena muta per nuvole basse, Palazzo Fortuny, Venezia, Italy

L’ombelico del mondo, Marina di Scarlino, Italy

Ballabili miniati, Galleria Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana, Italy



In Cauti Suoni, Spazio Perlartecontemporanea, Lugano, Switzerland

Mezza bellezza, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milano e Pietrasanta, Italy

Cosa gradita, Morotti arte contemporanea, Daverio, Varese, Italy



Belle statuine, Eventinove artecontemporanea, Turin, Italy

Stato, Participio Passato, Accademia Filarmonica, Casale Monferrato, Italy

Meno Mare, Galleria Ghetta, Ortisei, Italy

In che stato, Galleria Traghetto, Venice, Italy

Al mare farà brutto, Eventinove artecontemporanea, Borgomanero, Italy



Parole povere, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Monza, Italy

Piano pianissimo, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Verona, Italy



Aristocratica, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

Aristocratica, GlobArt Gallery, Acqui Terme, Italy

Otium, Rosso 20sette artecontemporanea, Rome, Italy



Ma c’è un Ma, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Pietrasanta, Italy

Amata o tic tac, Galleria Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana, Italy

Mirco Marchelli,  Alzueta Gallery, Palau de Casavells, Girona, Spain



Ma c’è un Ma, Eventinove artecontemporanea, Turin, Italy

Trombe clarini e genis, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Italy

Bella cera, Galleria Traghetto, Rome, Italy



Via Crucis, Ex Chiesa della Beata Vergine delle Grazie, Villafranca Piemonte, Italy



Mirco Marchelli, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

Cime, segni e specchi d’acqua, Galleria Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana, Italy



Quindici diciotto, Galleria Traghetto, Venice, Italy



Acqua calda acqua fredda, Studio La Città, Verona, Italy



Via Crucis, Galleria San Fedele, Milan, Italy



C’era una volta il re, Galerie Bäumler, Regensburg, Germany



Orizzontale quasi verticale, Studio La Città, Verona, Italy



Asino chi legge, Todi Arte Festival, Todi, Italy

Cristoforo prima di partire, Galleria Ferrara, Reggio Emilia, Italy



Mirco Marchelli, Galerie Sfeir Semler, Amburgo, Germany

Pause popolari, Studio La Città, Verona, Italy



La casa di Mirco, Studio La Città, Verona, Italy



Mirco Marchelli, Galleria Cesarea, Genoa, Italy



Galleria Triangolo Nero, Alessandria, Italy



Galleria Corte Zerbo, Gavi, Italy





Learn but the letters forme(d) by heart, Adams and Ollman Gallery, Portland, Oregon, USA



The Sun Also Rises, Everyday Gallery, Anversa, Belgium



Futuruins, in collaborazione con Museo Hermitage di San Pietroburgo, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy



Eterne Stagioni, Palazzo Monferrato, Alessandria, Italy



La Leggerezza della Scultura XI Edizione, Parco dell’Arte, Cerrina Monferrato, Italy

Miserere, Arca – ex chiesa di San Marco, Confraternita di San Vittore e ì Studiodieci, Vercelli, Italy

Colmare il vuoto. Marco La Rosa in dialogo con le opere della Collezione Paolo VI, Centro  Studi Paolo VI, Concesio, Brescia, Italy



Mappemondi, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Verona, Italy



Infinito Presente. Elogio della relazione, Museo Diocesano, Trento, Italy

Novanta artisti per una bandiera, Palazzo Arsenale, Turin, Italy

L’Orlando furioso: incantamenti, passioni e follie. L’arte contemporanea legge l’Ariosto, Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia, Italy



Borderline. Tra spirito e materia, Centro Culturale Santa Maria della Pietà, Cremona, Italy

Incontri…Contemporary Italian Art, The Schaufler Foundation, Schauwerk Sindelfingen, Germania

Rinascere, Museo del territorio, Biella, Italy

Novanta artisti per una bandiera, Sala del Vittoriano, Roma; Accademia Militare, Modena; Chiostri di San Domenico, Reggio Emilia, Italy



Costellazione, Galleria Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana, Italy



L’arte non è cosa nostra, 54. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Biennale di Venezia, Padiglione Italia, Arsenale, Venezia, Italy

Alla luce della Croce. Arte antica e contemporanea a confronto, Fondazione Lercaro, Bologna, Italy

A due a due, Museo dei Campionissimi, Novi Ligure, Italy

AAM, Spazio Eventiquattro – Gruppo 24 Ore, Milan, Italy



Clicking on the Future, Fondazione Achille Marazza, Borgomanero, Italy

Impronte, Galleria Bonioni Arte, Reggio Emilia, Italy

La Leggerezza della Scultura, Parco dell’Arte, Cerrina Monferrato, Italy

Nel segno della croce, Galleria San Fedele, Milan, Italy

Vertigini, Studio Vigato, Alessandria, Italy

Contemporaneamente, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Pietrasanta, Italy



Vegetando, Convento di Santa Caterina, Finalborgo, Italy

L’oro nero, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Italy

Favole d’artisti di ieri e di oggi, Galleria San Fedele, Milano, Italy

Ad Librandum, diverse sedi, Vicenza, Italy

8 artisti 4 mura, Studio di Architettura Gatti, Alessandria, Italy

Imago, Eventinove artecontemporanea, Borgomanero, Italy



900. Cento anni di creatività in Piemonte, Palazzo del Monferrato, Alessandria, Italy

Blu, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Italy

Collezione 20×20, GlobArt gallery, Acqui Terme, Italy

Sconfinamenti, Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italy



Sentire con gli occhi, Galleria San Fedele, Milan, Italy



Je ne regrette rien, Studio La Città, Verona, Italy

Galleria Art Forum, Ute Barth, Zurigo, Switzerland

Galleria Traghetto, Venice, Italy



Biennale d’Arte Sacra, Museo Stauros, Isola del Gran Sasso d’Italia, Teramo, Italy



Il respiro nascosto delle cose, Studio La Città, Verona, Italy



Storie storte e vite parallele, Galleria di Castelbianco, Savona, Italy



Carte blanche à Helene de Franchis, Galerie Lucien Durand Le Gaillard, Paris, France



Morbida quiete e la notte, Studio la Città, Verona, Italy



10 stanze per 10 artisti, Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italy


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